“For Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”

Emanuel Pastreich
4 min readMay 12, 2022


The 2024 Presidential Campaign

Now that they are warming over the dead bodies, the decayed corpses lying in splendor across that political cemetery, now that they are digging the rotting zombies out of their nasty graves, and prying the vampires, parasites who wear ties and look good on talk shows, from their rusty, dusty, crypts, now that the first steps are being taken to prepare for the most horrific ritual of the damned, the 2024 presidential election, the time has come to speak the truth, and to set the ghouls scampering back to their musty coffins.

There was only, and there is only, only one legitimate candidate for president of the United States.

There was only one candidate who refused to accept the fraud known as the 2020 presidential election, an election in which global finance and big tech selected our ruler and demanded that we bow in obeisance. And that candidate did so without backing either of the tired old men, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, men who were dragged along for the ride for that blood ritual performed solemnly before the high god of money.

There was only one candidate who demanded the truth about the 9.11 incident and who demanded punishment for the perpetuators that destroyed government and created forever wars for forever profits.

There was only one candidate who demanded that the 13 trillion dollars, or more, stolen from the Federal Reserve by billionaires and their banks in 2020, be returned, that the classified directives used to hide that fraud be ended, and that those responsible be jailed.

There was only one candidate who condemned the fascistic COVID-19 regime and who refused to endorse the use of deadly vaccines to transform those, who survived, into GMOs. That candidate demanded that the assets of the firms involved, and the banks that backed them, be confiscated immediately.

There was only one candidate who addressed the concerns of American citizens, rather than decorating the demands from the billionaires to make them more palatable to working people.

Only one candidate refused to put lipstick on a pig, to degrade the minds and souls of citizens, one candidate who told instead the brutal truth of the rape of our nation, the transformation of the legislative and the executive branches into a wasteland controlled by two parties: the whores and the pimps.

Regarding my potential opponents in an election, let me be as brief as is appropriate to their moral stature.

To call them prostitutes, these men who endorsed the COVID-19 fraud, is an insult to women, often loving mothers, forced into such work for reasons beyond their control. To call them vampires, or zombies, would be to speak ill of the dead, even if such monsters are technically undead.

Please join me today in my campaign to rebuild the United States. We can do it from the bottom up. In fact, that is the only way we can possibly do it.

“Build back better” is not a bad expression. But it is the kiss of death when it issues from the lips of the cannibals at the World Economic Forum, the self-appointed masters of humanity’s destiny.

The professors at Harvard and Princeton, the editors at the New York Times and the Atlantic, the judges of the district courts and circuit courts, and the CEOs of so-called “American” corporations whose assets are hidden overseas and that pay no taxes, those figures, as eloquent as their speeches and editorials–created by ghost writers–may be, are so corrupt, so decadent, and so irresponsible as to have nothing to say about our children’s futures.

Let us go forward and find the greatest value not in derivatives, stocks, natural asset companies, central bank digital currencies, or other chimera cooked up by the sorcerer’s apprentice in the horrific laboratory where money meets technology; let us find the greatest treasures in our children, in our neighbors, in our local farms, in the pure water of natural springs and rivers, in the sheltering forests that surround us, in the nourishing soil of our land, and in the wisdom of our ancestors who understood that spiritual insight and a life of chastity, respect, frugality, introspection and humility before the divine is precious and that any sacrifice before the narcissistic god of technology is an abomination.

It has been a long, long winter for us.

Truly, “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Verily, “The truth shall set you free.”



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